© CFTR "Club Français de la Tourterelle Rieuse" (photos and explanations)
® 🇬🇧 Version of the French standard by Ariane Verticordia. It may have some translation errors (ex: varieties' names, but not genotype)
Pied Doves (Panachées)

Pied: Predominantly Coloured vs White.
Genotype: pi//pi
Overall appearance:
The pied doves have a predominantly coloured coat, dotted regularly with white feathers.
They can be Bicolour or Tricolour. The colour(s) of the coat will condition the colour of the neck-band.
The colour combinations for the bicolour are: pink white, champagne white, apricot white, wild white, fawn white, blonde white, grey white, orange white, cream white, peach white.
The colour combinations for the tricolour are: wild white fawn, white fawn orange, white blonde orange, white wild grey, white grey fawn, white peach fawn.
Head= White speckled with one or both colours of the coat.
- black for wild white, fawn white, blond white and grey white,
- white for pink white, champagne white and apricot white,
- white or orange or white and orange for white orange,
- grey for creamy white and peachy white.
- black for wild tawny white, wild grey white and tawny grey white,
- black, white and orange for tawny white orange and white blond orange,
- black and grey for tawny peach white.
Beak= Light horn for subjects with a white neck band, pencilled or with a dark end in the other varieties.
Eye= Dark chestnut-red.
Breast= White speckled with one or both colours of the coat.
Scapulars= Bicolour or Tricolour pied.
Flight feathers= Simultaneous presence of white flight feathers and coloured flight feathers.
Tail= Simultaneous presence of white rectrices and coloured rectrices.
Irregular pied pattern, entirely white or fully coloured wings or tail.
Spotted Doves (Tachetées)

Spotted: Predominantly White vs Coloured.
Genotype: pi//pi
Overall appearance:
The pied doves have a predominantly white coat, dotted regularly with coloured feathers.
They can be Bicolour or Tricolour. The colour(s) of the coat will condition the colour of the neck-band.
The colour combinations for the bicolour are: pink white, champagne white, apricot white, wild white, fawn white, blonde white, grey white, orange white, cream white, peach white.
The colour combinations for the tricolour are: wild white fawn, white fawn orange, white blonde orange, white wild grey, white grey fawn, white peach fawn.
Head= White slightly speckled with one or both colours of the coat.
Neck-Band= it is nearly not here due to the dominant white of the coat.
When present, the color is the same as that of the pied:
- black for wild white, fawn white, blond white and grey white,
- white for pink white, champagne white and apricot white,
- white or orange or white and orange for white orange,
- grey for creamy white and peachy white.
- black for wild tawny white, wild grey white and tawny grey white,
- black, white and orange for tawny white orange and white blond orange,
- black and grey for tawny peach white.
Beak= Light horn for subjects with a white neck band, pencilled or with a dark end in the other varieties.
Eye= Dark chestnut-red.
Breast= White slightly speckled with one or both colours of the coat.
Scapulars= Bicolour or Tricolour spotted.
Flight feathers= Mostly white flight feathers, only a few colored flight feathers.
Tail= Mostly white rectrices feathers, only a few colored rectrices feathers.
Insufficiently colored feathers or too irregularly distributed. Remiges or rectrices mostly colored.