© CFTR "Club Français de la Tourterelle Rieuse" (photos and explanations)
® 🇬🇧 Version of the French standard by Ariane Verticordia. It may have some translation errors (ex: varieties' names, but not genotype)
Lilac-coloured doves
(The lilac-coloured doves have a one-color coat. They present, on the head and breast, the lilac pink-color inherited from the cross of the Streptopelia risoria with the Streptopelia decaocto. There are 5 of them)

Wilde Type (Sauvage)
Genotype: D+// Al+// Iv+// Pi+// Ry+// Fr+//Fr+ Ta+//Ta+M+//M+ or +//+
Overall appearance:
Dark-brown coated dove with a lilac head and breast.
Head= Lilac, slightly brown on females.
Neck-Band= Black neck band with well marked upper and lower white border.
Beak= Black.
Eye= Deep chestnut red.
Breast= Strong lilac colour, lighter on females.
Scapulars= Dark-brown.
Flight feathers= Very dark-brown primary flight feathers bordered with light-grey. Grey to dark brown secondaries.
Tail= Dark-bron outer rectrices with white tip, dark-brown central rectrices. Black base.
Bad coat color, lilac colour not strong enough, bad pattern of the neck band, too light eyes.

Roan (Clémentine)
Genotype: ry//ry
Overall appearance:
"Clémentine" coloured dove (strong orange in french) with a lilac head and breast.
Head= Lilac, slightly oranged on females.
Neck-Band= Black neck band white borders.
Beak= Dark horn with a lighter base.
Eye= Orange to red.
Breast= Strong lilac, lighter on females.
Scapulars= Dark-brown.
Flight feathers= Very dark-brown primary flight feathers bordered with light-grey. Grey to dark brown secondaries.
Tail= Dark-brown outer rectrices with white tip, dark-brown central rectrices. Black base.
Bad coat color, lilac colour not strong enough, bad pattern of the neck band, too light eyes.

Light-Roan (Clémentine Poudrée)
Genotype: ry//ry, +//dw or ry//ry, +//gr or Fr//+ ry//ry
Overall appearance:
Powdery "clémentine" dove with a light lilac head and breast.
Head= Light-lilac, slightly orange on females.
Neck-Band= Black.
Beak= Dark horn with a lighter beginning.
Eye= Orange to red.
Breast= Light lilac.
Scapulars= Powdery-orange.
Flight feathers= Light-brown primary flight feathers bordered with beige. Light-grey to powdery orange secondaries.
Tail= Grey outer rectrices with white tip, oranged central rectrices. Dark-grey base.
Bad coat color, lilac colour not strong enough, bad pattern of the neck band, too light eyes.

Tangerine (Mandarine)
Genotype: Ta//+ or Ta//+, +//ry if purplish neck, or Ta//+, ry//ry
Overall appearance:
Tangerine (= dark-orange) coated dove with a lilac head and breast.
Head= Lilac, slightly tangerine on females.
Neck-Band= Grey neck band with upper and lower light-grey border.
Beak= Nearly black.
Eye= Deep chestnut-red.
Breast= Strong lilac colour, lighter on females..
Scapulars= Homogeneous strong-tangerine.
Flight feathers= Blue-grey primary flight feathers bordered with light-grey. Blue-grey to tangerine secondaries.
Tail= Blue-grey outer rectrices with white tip, tangerine central rectrices. Blue-grey base.
Coat colour not strong enough, not uniform, flight feathers too light.

Tangerine (Mandarine)
Genotype: Ta//Ta ou Ta//Ta, +//ry if purplish neck, or Ta//Ta, ry//ry
Overall appearance:
Tangerine (= dark-orange) coated dove with a lilac head and breast. + White flights.
Head= Lilac, slightly tangerine on females.
Neck-Band= White.
Beak= Nearly black.
Eye= Deep chestnut-red.
Breast= Strong lilac colour, lighter on females..
Scapulars= Homogeneous strong-tangerine.
Flight feathers= White primary flight feathers. White bordered with tangerine secondaries.
Tail= White outer rectrices with tangerine tip, tangerine central rectrices. White base.
Coat colour not strong enough, not uniform, presence of the pearled pattern.